Amazon Smile earns money for STCPS

Purchases from Amazon Smile have resulted in $232.69 donations in the past quarter and a total of $1,796.77 for Saint Columbkille Partnership School. After designating "St. Columbkille School, Inc." as your charity of choice, 0.5% of the value of your purchase is donated to STCPS.
For online shopping on a desktop go to Designate "St. Columbkille School, Inc." as your charity and start shopping. Make sure you go to each time you purchase in order to trigger the donation.
ACTIVATE AMAZON SMILE ON THE APP: Android and iPhone users can now access the Amazon Smile charity site directly from the Amazon app. Visual directions are included here or written directions below:
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the bottom right of the Amazon app screen (☰)
  • Select Settings
  • Select Amazon Smile
  • Search "St. Columbkille School, Inc." If you already support Saint Cols, make sure to select "Turn ON Amazon Smile" in the yellow box
  • Start shopping!
Please note, AmazonSmile in the app is not available on iPads or other tablets, so please continue to log in to in your browser.
amazon smile