Universal Pre-K for Boston Residents

Beginning in the 2023-2024 school year, Saint Columbkille Partnership School (STCPS) will host Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) seats in our K1 classrooms. We are proud to be a UPK Community-Based Early Learning Center as part of the highly regarded City of Boston’s UPK Program. Boston residents are able to apply for a tuition-free seat in a K1 classroom. Students who are 4 years old by September 1 are eligible for K1. While UPK seats are not guaranteed, those who qualify, enroll and are accepted are eligible to attend tuition-free. If interested, please find next steps and more information below:

I'm interested in Universal PreK. How can I apply?
It is important to apply to Saint Columbkille Partnership School in FACTS and to simultaneously apply for a UPK seat through SchoolMint. These two applications can be submitted in any order, but both need to occur together to ensure your application is completed and received.


What is the deadline to apply for a UPK seat after enrolling via FACTS?
There is no specific deadline to apply for Universal PreK on the STCPS end. Our admissions process is rolling and new applications will be considered as they are received, until the available seats are filled. However, to qualify for a tuition-free seat, families must apply via both FACTS and via SchoolMint.

I’m not a Boston resident. Can my child still attend K1 at Saint Columbkille? 

Your child can definitely attend Saint Columbkille if you don’t live in Boston. We have students from many of the surrounding towns, including Newton, Watertown and Dedham. Our K1 students are fully integrated with our UPK students; all enjoy the advantages of a high-quality Catholic education at STCPS.

Who can answer questions?
If you have questions about the UPK seats in our K1 classrooms, please direct them to Erica Rego, Director of Admissions, at [email protected] or 617-254-3110 x105. 

Learn more about Universal PreK by watching a Zoom recording from 3/1/23 with Head of School Jen Kowieski who answers questions about UPK at Saint Columbkille Partnership School.

Watch the Zoom recording here.
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