Loyola Academy Honors May “Loyola Leaders of the Month”

Grade 6 student Giovanna (Gigi) Gonzaga, Grade 7 student Emma Civil and Grade 8 student Julissa Robles Reyes were named May “Loyola Leaders of the Month” (LLM), a program implemented to promote self-awareness, practice the Jesuit philosophy, and develop a greater sense of community among the middle school community. 

“Gigi has been chosen as the May Loyola Leader due to her kindness, optimism, hard work and perseverance,” says Loyola teacher Ms. Foley. “We admire her empathy and kindness, even during challenging times. All year, Gigi has exemplified Magis, by always striving to do and be more. We are so lucky to have Gigi on our team!”

“Emma is being recognized as the Loyola Leader for May for her ever present positive attitude, selflessness, and perseverance,” says Loyola teacher Mr. DeVito. “Emma makes a conscious effort each day to seek out those who may be struggling and offer a helping hand or word of advice. Regardless of how difficult the social and academic challenges of middle school can be, Emma maintains her focus and positivity. We are grateful for Emma’s ability to exemplify our Jesuit values of Magis and Women for Others.”

“Julissa is awarded the Loyola leader for the month of May for positive contribution to her 8th grade class,” says Loyola teacher Mr. Walsh. “During a busy month of finals, a trip to Washington D.C., and graduation, Julissa acted as a Women for Others by celebrating special moments with classmates and making sure that each member of her community left our school on a strong note. Congratulations Julissa!”

Each month, a student from each grade who have distinguished themselves and exemplify the two core values of Loyola Academy (“Magis” and “Women and men for and with others”) are recognized by the Loyola Academy team. Students also have the opportunity to submit votes for their peers who they feel have shown great strides in becoming a leader in our community.


gigi   emma    julissa