Loyola Academy Honors May “Loyola Leaders of the Month”

Grade 6 student Gigi Cincotti, Grade 7 student Sebastian Velasquez and Grade 8 student Emma Civil were named May “Loyola Leaders of the Month” (LLM), a program that promotes self-awareness, the Jesuit philosophy, and an opportunity to develop a greater sense of community among the middle school community.

 “Gigi has been chosen as our May Loyola Leader for 6th grade,” says Loyola teacher Ms. Phelps. “Her natural leadership in the classroom, on the running track, and in Student Council has a positive impact on everyone around her. Gigi is always kind to others, and supportive of her peers inside and outside of the classroom. Gigi also has a great sense of humor that brightens every space. She is a great example of People for Others.”

“Sebastian has been selected as our Loyola Leader for May because of the way he cares for others,” says Loyola teacher Mr. DeVito. “Sebastian especially demonstrates Cura Personalis when he interacts with younger students. He always demonstrates a positive attitude when working with students in the lower grades, often volunteering to help out.”

“Emma is generous and caring, and goes above and beyond to make sure others feel special and appreciated,” says Loyola teacher Mrs. Fonte. “She demonstrates our value of being Men and Women for Others each and every day. Congratulations Emma, and best of luck in high school!”

Each month, a student from each grade who have distinguished themselves and exemplify the two core values of Loyola Academy (“Magis” and “Women and men for and with others”) are recognized by the Loyola Academy team. Students also have the opportunity to submit votes for their peers who they feel have shown great strides in becoming a leader in our community.


gigi   sebastian   emma