Math & Science


Mathematics classes in the Loyola Academy Middle School include a broad range of topics that build on foundational concepts learned in the younger grades in order to prepare students for advanced math courses in high school. Students in all grades continue to learn how to think and express themselves mathematically, communicate effectively with mathematical language, and understand the importance of mathematics in the real world. In the classroom, students work in cooperative groups, with partners, and individually. Technology and manipulatives are used to reinforce mathematical concepts and understanding. 

The curriculum aligns with the Common Core State Standards. Major topics of study in Grade 6 include an introduction to statistics, ratios, percents, rational numbers, inequalities, as well as solidifying students' understanding of fraction and decimal operations. In Grade 7, students continue to grow their knowledge of real word percentage usage, proportions, rational numbers, expressions, and equations. In their final year in Loyola Academy, students have the opportunity to focus either on Grade 8 math standards or algebra standards. Grade 8 math standards include statistics, probability, and the pythagorean theorem. Algebra standards include working with polynomials and systems of equations.


Students conduct a variety of experiments, learning the scientific method in the areas of earth, life, and physical sciences. Grade 6 focuses on earth and space science. Students learn about geologic changes, rocks and minerals, weather, climate, and about our universe at large. Grade 7 focuses on life science. Students begin the year studying basic cell biology, then learn about natural selection and evolution, different body systems, and end the year with dissections in the lab. Finally, Grade 8 students are introduced to the foundations of chemistry and physics, including properties of matter, atomic composition and characteristics, chemical reactions, and Newton’s laws of motion.